New Car battery booster everyday-carry form-factor
As a Product Designer Student, I tried to solve the unpredictable need of having a car booster when the car battery goes down. To do so I did a deep study analysis of the market products & ergonomy solutions, user testing multiple form factor prototypes and gathering design & usability feedback until I came up with a satisfying solution.
What is it?
The Product is a multi-function car battery booster that uses the huge energy stored in it to charge multiple goods & provide more features to the user:
It can be used as an everyday carry, to ensure its always with you when you need it with 2 key features:
Powerful torch​
Powerful tech battery pack to charge your laptop on-the-go
Powerful wireless charging to charge your phone
It can be used as a handy car battery booster:
Removable & magnetically attached cable & pliers block​
Lantern mode to light up the car engine when in use, to facilitate the operations if done in the dark
Concepts tested
Usability testing
End test score
All car driver have faced the problem of getting a flat car battery, and therefore not being able to start the car. Having a car battery booster allows to quick-start the car engine autonomously without having to rely on another car. It makes these battery boosters highly powerful because they can save anyone's day.
The problem is that these products are often not charged when needed, or not in the car at the right moment, which makes them hard to actually use or find when they are needed.
These products are also hard to use and understand in real-life conditions. Typically understand where to put the pliers in the dark is not made easy by them.
Modernizing the car battery booster to make it an everyday battery phone/laptop charger could solve the product availability problem, and ensure the device is always charged and with the user when they need it.
Working on enhancing the car battery booster experience in real worst-case scenarios should help users use these devices better and more efficiently when they are needed.
I analysed the car battery booster market and realized the form factor hadn't changed in the past 20 years.
I ran a research survey study with 15+ participants to understand their need and usage of car battery boosters.
I started ideating around the detected user needs, which included the need of always having the booster in the car.
I built 2 concept cardboard mockups to user test with 4 persons and gather usability feedback on multiple form factors & sizes.
With this feedback, I 3D modelled & engineered a fully fletched-out solution.
This concept received positive feedback but required a major investment to be properly tested, which I didn't do.
However, it would require some more tests:
Usability test to validate the product's end-usability
Concept validation test to validate user interest in the product & its pricing strategy.